September 11, 2013


What makes one a leader? Well some of the qualities are the following: Responsible, Quick Thinker, Confident, Firm, Positive, Honest, Confident, Encouraging, A good listener, Dedicated, Persistent and many more. If you have at least half of the qualities listed, you have the capacity of becoming a leader. It is not about being popular and bossy. It's about being respectful,inspiring and motivating others to be a better team. Some people were born as natural leaders, but majority takes years of hard work to furnish their leadership skills.

To be a leader, you should learn the basics which is to learn to talk and learn to listen. Speak with confidence and believe on the words you give out. How can your group mates believe that your plan would work if you don't sound so sure. Don't bark orders (unless you're in the military). You have to persuade your group mates to do their best and not make them think on how bad you are in leading and eventually you would lose their respect. Always ask for the opinion and ideas of your group mates, this would show that you respect and care for their ideas. Not because you're the leader, you get the credit of choosing for the team. Create the best team. You don't wanna be the only who's doing all the work, and you don't want your team to think that they didn't do anything to contribute to the tasks that were assigned. Discover your teammates' weaknesses and strong attributes, then assign them on the perfect position that suits their talents. Not only that the work would be less tougher, but your team would get to enjoy the work they're doing. Allow your other team mates to step on the spotlight.  Always lead by example. You don't set the do's and don't's if you, yourself can't follow it. Arranging a lunch meeting? Be there in the location 10 minutes earlier than the time you agreed. Your team mates would see how responsible you are in leading. Action speaks louder than words as others quoted it. Think and take action. Who wants a leader who doesn't even know what is the task assigned to the group? Leaders need to take courage and stand by the decision they're making. Leaders are also human beings who makes mistakes. So you should be able to admit the mistakes you committed. This way, your team mates would see you as an open-minded person. Don't ever blame your team mates on the failure of the whole team. It's all for one, one for all after all. You don't put in your head that because you are the leader, you are the greatest among your team. It may be because your teacher or team mates trusts you in the role given. So don't brag, instead don't let them down and do your best every time. Challenge yourself to aim high and do all things positively. written by Camille Geguera

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